Broken Quotes
If I heard something interesting while drawing, I’ll write them down. Audible is a great app, highly recommended.
Game of Thrones
In the dark the dead are dancing, I know, I know, oh oh oh - Patchface
That creature is dangerous. Many a time I have glimpsed him in my flames. Sometimes there are skulls about him, and his lips are red with blood. - Melisandre to Jon Snow about Patchface
Ten days that shocked the world
- Comrades, I bring you greetings from the place where people are digging their graves and call them tranches!
The Seventh Letter of Plato
- The feelings I then experienced, owing to my youth, were in no way surprising: for I imagined that they would administer the State by leading it out of an unjust way of life into a just way… And indeed I saw how these men within a short time caused men to look back on the former government as a golden age
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
How many roads must a man walk down? - The ultimate question for the ultimate answer of 42
So long and thanks for all the fish!
- My dream of Lamia are mixed with Lamia’s dreams - keats retrieved persona
Superstitions sometimes have strange roots and stranger branching.
The price we paid was the price men always paid for achieving a paradise in this life – we went soft, we lost our edge.
American Gods
- We’re going to San Francisco, the flowers in your head is optional - Mr. Wednesday
Great man doesn’t follow rules, he creates them
If on a winter’s night, a traveller - Italo Calvino
All men must die, but some just can’t wait
I gave her my heart but she wanted my soul